Global Trade ERP Software - VISCO Software
Advantages and Disadvantages of Certificate of Analysis Module
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Certificate of Analysis Module

If you have ever gotten yourself in trouble for sending a customer material that was out of spec, or you are tired of embarrassing yourself by cutting and pasting your logo onto a Chinese Certificate of Analysis document and sending that to customers then its probably time to take a closer look at the Certificate Analysis module in VISCO.

The benefits of the C of A module can be summarized as:

  • Assuring that suppliers are sending you high quality product that meets your requirements
  • Assuring that you are sending customers material that meets their specification requirement
  • Ability to easily see actual specs on all lots in inventory (and in transit)
  • System generated professional looking custom C of A document created on your own letterhead

The downside to using the module are two fold:

  • Initial set up is very time consuming-this includes creating all the “Specification headings” all the different types of specs that will appear on C of A’s, and setting up default customer and purchase standard specifications.  We can help with this by providing our default set of spec headings
  • It does require that the actual C of A be entered for each lot you receive-again there is leg work involved

You will need to look at your unique situation to decide if this module is going to work for you.  The companies that receive the most benefit will be ones that:

  • are currently struggling to properly organize specs associated with each lot
  • have had problems in the past by sending customers product that does not meet their requirements
  • have lots of variety in specifications on a shipment by shipment basis
  • want professional looking documentation to send to customers


Detailed instructions on how to use this module including screenshots can be found here: Certificate of Analysis


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