Global Trade ERP Software - VISCO Software
Automated Shipment Tracking Now Available via Marine Traffic

Automated Shipment Tracking Now Available via Marine Traffic

Automatic ETA and Vessel Status Updates through Marine Traffic
VISCO is excited to announce a new available add-on which updates Container/Vessel ETAs and Vessel Status information directly from the Vessels themselves through a nightly integration with Marine Traffic (
Default configuration for this add on allows you to keep track of detailed status information when only a Vessel Name is provided in the VISCO Container (otherwise known as BOL, Shipment, Rail/Track or however you refer to your venture consolidator in your version of VISCO). Specifically, VISCO will track a calculated ETA, Last Port, Next Port and Vessel Status and update them automatically in your Container header at 3am ET every day. The “Auto Sync?” field allows you to specify if this Container should not be updated automatically.
VISCO calls upon Marine Traffic’s latest information as it is reported directly from the Vessels via satellite to draw details about the Vessel out that can help you predict availability of your goods and exude confidence when discussing delivery timeframes with your customers.

These new fields can also be added to your Container scan as well free of charge, just ask the VISCO support team.
Additionally, a notification email can be sent to any VISCO users you choose when Marine Traffic changes your VISCO Container ETA.
Last but not least, you’ll get a new custom report from within VISCO called “Marine Traffic Vessel Update Log” where you can review each time VISCO called upon Marine Traffic to get updated Vessel information.
As always, we can customize this integration to further fit your needs. See all the information we can track about your vessels here:
Initial Setup for Default Configuration described above: Free
Fees: $0.20 per Container with Vessel Indicated per day.
The VISCO support team can activate this the same day it is requested and you can start tracking your vessel progress automatically. Fees will be added to your monthly invoice the month after they are incurred.



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