1) Sales Order 5.0 Beta: It will be available as a new option from our sales order menu for those interested in taking our new interface for a stroll! 2) Added Exchange Rate as a column in for Venture Distribution in Cost Entry. 3) Gave Users (with appropriate permissions) the ability to turn on/off their integration or change QB integrations from toolbar on all screens. 4) Cost Entry Posting optimizations: We have sped up Cost Entry Posting and included some important details (batch # and Cost Association) about each cost posted that will appear as comments in Venture Analysis and in your Cost Entry Details report in VISCO. 5) Convert any or all system generated documents to load as PDF rather than Excel/Word files: PO, SO, Invoice, Delivery Order etc. Any document can immediately be a PDF when loaded VISCO, but you will lose all those "buttons" for auto email etc. if you choose to do this 6) Assign screen Optimizations: General speed up and the ability to add multiple lines at once.

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