Global Trade ERP Software - VISCO Software
Configuring VISCO to fit your company
Integrated with QuickBooks

Configuring VISCO to fit your company

Although the intensive configuration of the system is typically done during the implementation process, the configuration tools can be used to customize the software (typically without requiring a programmer) at any time.

The intensive configuration is typically done once the install is up and the data conversion is complete.  These meetings are done with the System Administrator(s) along with the Implementation manager from VISCO and are designed to take the system from all of the default settings and fields . It’s also used as an administrator training session of the system, for us to review admin tools and basic functionality of the system. We will enter some basic sample transactions which are cleared before Go Live.

The configuration sessions usually involve five to six one hour phone/web conferences or one day onsite. It should not include all users, only those that will be using administrative functions and should be involved in making decisions on how the system should be configured for maximize efficiency.

Specifically, we will go through each of the modules in the system discussing what options can be turned on or off, what steps can be skipped and configuring which fields should be added/remove.   We’ll also present the default versions of each of the documents and reports which will then be ‘marked up’ and delivered back to VISCO so that we can modify those formats to more accurately reflect your needs.  The typical document set includes:

  • RFQ
  • Quote
  • Sales Order/Proforma Invoice
  • Purchase Order
  • Delivery Order
  • Warehouse Arrival Notice
  • Customs Broker Instructions
  • Pre Advice
  • Packing List
  • Bill of Lading
  • Warehouse Release/Pick Ticket
  • Export Document Set
  • Invoice
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