The VISCO official release of The Venture Information System version 2.4.1 is slated for delivery to all Network and Web-hosted Customers bySeptember30th, 2005. Based on customer demands, requests and suggestions, we haveenhanced the functionality of a major portion of the system while continuing to addressthe issues of our customers.Included in this VISCO release is the following enhanced functionality. Extended Copy Order Functions – PO from PO, PO from SO, SO from SO and SO from PO all available through order assign. Enhanced User Permissions – The User Permissions functionality received a major overall which includes limiting access to each and every screen in the system, as well as entire sections and sub-sections. It also filters by Entity, giving you the option to open access to the Venture Information System forCustomers,Logistics Companiesand Suppliers who are only allowed to see their orders.
Custom Accruals (Beta) -We are now accepting customization requests for accrual procedures to be designed based on user specifications. No matter what the formula is, we will design an accrual procedure that can estimate anycost in the system, before you receive the invoice from your vendor.
Standard Sales and Purchase Units of Measure -We’ve replaced our previous “Standard Unit of Measure” with the ability to specify different sales and purchase units of measure for a given product. Our system can now recommend a Unit of Measure for every product that is bought or sold!
Offers and Quotesbegins production -We have begun production on our next major enhancement (slated for November ’05 release) which will track Offers from Vendors and Quotes to Customers in far more detail than previously available. Ask your VISCO representative forfurther details.
If you have any questions about these enhancements, would like to learn more about them, or have questions about the progress of your own enhancements, give us a call at 845-383-3800. Thank you for your time and attention, and for being a valued VISCO customer.

Andrew Peck
721 Broadway, Suite 270,
Kingston, NY 12401 |