Global Trade ERP Software - VISCO Software
Section 301 Tariffs and Surcharges

Section 301 Tariffs and Surcharges


As section 301 tariffs continue to change, we have improved our system handling of these charges to increase flexibility for future tariffs.

As an added feature, VISCO users can now indicate specific section 301 list numbers, assign appropriate HTS item numbers for each list, as well as the assigned ship from countries, and the dates these section 301 tariffs are applicable on a per list basis.

Once section 301 lists are defined as any newly created In Transit shipments will receive an accrual at the indicated tariff percentage based on Ship from Country, item HTS code, and date In Transit. This accrual can be recalculated based on the import entry date at the time of the section 301 Tariff codes being actualized. Upon receipt of a bill the section 301 Tariff accrual can be replaced with the actualized bill and costing and profit analysis will report accordingly.

Furthermore, if you do pass these charges down to the customer as an additional line item on your Sales Orders we can also include an option in the Section 301 list for Customer Section 301 Surcharge percentage. This allows you to indicate at what percentage of the sales price you would like to display the section 301 charge, for example if an items section 301 tariff is currently taxed at a rate of 15% of your purchase price perhaps you would like the section 301 tariff surcharge to your customer to be indicated at 12% of the sales price. This would allow you to compensate for the section 301 tariff without creating a profit and also limiting your customers knowledge of your purchase price.

The section 301 calculations can also be added to the offer estimate tool to help you determine target pricing when considering purchasing from a particular vendor and will be included in reports like Gross Margin Detail Report and the Inventory Valuation Report.

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