Summer 2012 Release 3.9.0

Summer 2012 Release 3.9.0

Release 3.9.0

Included in this VISCO release is the following enhanced functionality:ENHANCEMENTS included with this Release:

1) Track Package Information unique to each Lot within a Venture

2) Address entry system allows specific City and Province entry for Canada addresses.

3) Icon available from Iventory Allocation pop-up. Can show other relevant information upon request.

4) Container: Document Status now editable dropdown list and no longer required.

If you have any questions about these enhancements, would like to learn more about them, or have questions about the progress of your own enhancements, give us a call at 845-383-3800. Thank you for your time and attention, and for being a valued VISCO customer.

Andrew Peck
721 Broadway, Suite 270,
Kingston, NY 12401

Summer 2012 Release 3.9.0
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