Global Trade ERP Software - VISCO Software
Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 2

Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 2

The second case study in the alerts series is based on a Chemical Importer with global offices through Europe, Asia and Africa.  They came to us looking for a way for their separate offices to communicate as they are all doing separate tasks in the system. For example, the sales staff in Europe are creating inquiries about products to their purchasing department which is in China. China then wants to be able to send back information about the inquired goods once they receive it from the vendor. This way the sales staff in Europe can create quotes to their customers for the goods in question.

We decided to set up alerts specific to every sales or purchase representative. When the sales person created an inquiry for a purchaser in China, the purchaser would get an alert saying they had a new request. As the suppliers are providing quotes, the sourcing team in China updates the “Offers” in VISCO and then sales people in Europe are alerted.. As long as the sales and purchaser were signed in they would see all of the requests that were made by or for them. We also gave the user the ability to see all inquiries, offers and quotes as well.

inquiries alert

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