Global Trade ERP Software - VISCO Software
What does the VISCO Sales mobile app do?
Mobile Phone

What does the VISCO Sales mobile app do?

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Using the VISCO Mobile application your team is able to enter and view quotes, sales, orders, purchase orders, check inventory, view customer information and much more right from their mobile phone or tablet.

Inventory Lookup


inventory lookup

The inventory module allows for users to view Inventory, default sales prices, and quantities that are available right from the application. This enables sales folks to be able to enter sales orders based on what is in stock. The VISCO Mobile application even has a Barcode function where Warehouse employees are able to search for products to see quantities or other product details.

Customer Relationship Management


In the CRM module, you can look up customer information such as address, phone numbers and customer credit limit or add a new customer on the spot. When in a customer, the user is able to assign Inquiries, Quotes and/or Sales Orders directly from there. Users are able to look up quotes and Sales Order history on the go for a specific customer and even see previous pricing.



If sales representatives are onsite with a customer and wants to keep track of a conversation, they can log emails and calls. If an email or phone call is made through the app, an inquiry is automatically created. This allows users to follow up with new leads more effectively.

Sales Orders and Quotes


Creating Quotes or Sales Orders for customers on the go has never been so easy. Not only can you select products, set terms and pin down pricing, right on site with a customer, you can also have the office notified of new quotes or sales orders that are being created. This means that they can create the documentation and send it out on your behalf. The Mobile application also has the option for a check point in place that makes it so even though SO and Quote information is being input into the system, the order still needs to be ‘Issued’ or approved by someone in the back office using the desktop application.

Recently we had a customer ask if we can give him the ability to approve orders through the application that way he can “Issue sales orders on the beach”.

Purchase Orders


Use the Purchase Order module to look up order history, estimated times of departure and arrival. Your site managers can now know exactly what is coming in and when. One customization we recently did for a customer is displaying the container number which is being used with our integration with Vizion. That way their site managers can have the most up to date logistics data while in the field.

Learn more about the Mobile App

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