Release 2.4.0
The VISCO official release of The Venture Information System version is slated for delivery to all Network and Web-hosted Customers by November 2nd, 2005. Based on customer demands, requests and suggestions, we have enhanced the functionality of a major portion of the system while continuing to address the issues of our customers.Included in this VISCO release is the following enhanced functionality. Inquiries (Beta) – The tracking of all inquiries from Customers, Potential Customers and interested parties about products within the VIS database. An inquiry can turn into an offer, or be stored individually as a simple request for info from a customer.Export your Scans, Reports, and Filters to MS Excel (c) with one click! – A VIS User now has the ability to click the Excel Icon (or button) and auto-export the results of any scan, report or filter in the system. This tool can be used for enhanced reporting, and does not affect any data in the database.
Edit a PO Number – During PO Assign, a VIS user can change create their own PO number. They will still be restricted not to replicate PO numbers, or use alpha characters in their PO number. Memo Fields for Custom Fields – The option is now available to have your custom fields (those after the documents and images section in each entity in VIS) appear and store as memo fields with virtually unlimited storage for information. If you have any questions about these enhancements, would like to learn more about them, or have questions about the progress of your own enhancements, give us a call at 845-383-3800. Thank you for your time and attention, and for being a valued VISCO customer. Sincerely, Andrew Peck |