Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 1


In this series of blog posts we are going to discuss how VISCO has helped three businesses find solutions to three very different problems using the ‘Alerts’ feature. ‘Alerts’ in VISCO come standard with every install. Some of the most universally appreciated “Out Of Box” alerts include: Inventory that is low in stock Containers that […]

Addressing the “Two Systems” Concern

Two Systems Concern

How a specialized logistics and distribution ERP integrates with existing Accounting software…successfully As co-founder and head of VISCO Operations, I’m often asked to justify a decision we made 19 years ago when we developed our highly focused logistics and distribution ERP without including basic accounting functions that we ourselves had written from scratch. I have […]

Secrets to Inventory Planning and Replenishment reporting for Seafood Distributor


We recently had the opportunity to work with a supply chain consultant who had been hired by a seafood importer and distribution company.  They hired him to help them with a some challenges they were having around keeping the appropriate stock on high volume items, making sure that they would not run out of product […]

ERP software for Seafood Import Companies


There are some unique challenges to importing and distributing seafood product that can make it challenging to find a solid ERP system that will meet 90% of their needs out of box.  Dealing with Catch weights, tracking product at the lot level, and visibility of inventory position from the packer, on the water, to cold […]