Global Trade ERP Software - VISCO Software
We Made It! We are officially a NetSuite Competitor

We Made It! We are officially a NetSuite Competitor

Typically these posts are professionally written, information heavy descriptions of the latest happenings in Global Trade and Global Trade software, this is not a traditional post however.  If you’ll pardon the indulgence, I wanted to instead take a moment to celebrate a milestone in our company’s history. We have been acknowledged officially as a worthy competitor by the “# 1 Deployed Cloud ERP software” on the market.  Don’t believe me? Check this out!

NetSuite Competitor

NetSuite has taken the time, energy and resources to ensure that we don’t even appear first when people Google our name directly! That takes some serious cash and focus to implement on their side and I commend their effort. I believe this move shines the light even brighter on us a “humble underdog” against the heavily financed powerhouses in the industry. No doubt, if you are searching for Cloud ERP you’ve heard of NetSuite, by all accounts their tagline is accurate, they are the industry leader. Despite us having a heavily specialized product with a focus on Global Trade, we find ourselves competing pretty regularly with them. We have taken customers from them, they have taken customers from us and in some circumstances, we’ve been asked by customers to integrate our logistics / supply chain functionality to the rest of their system too.

In fact, what makes this whole situation all the more interesting is that recently Tim and I pondered if a partnership with NetSuite would be worthwhile considering our specialized niche and what we think we could bring to the NetSuite package as a third party integration. We have successful partnerships in a similar capacity with Intuit, Microsoft and Xero already, so why not try to collaborate here as well? Unsurprisingly I suppose, they declined our proposal to partner up.

Nevertheless, we’ll carry on with a continued focus on what makes us successful against the giants of our industry; A specialized knowledge of software requirements for those conducting global trade (import/export).

In conclusion then, if you are looking to partner up with the Goliath in this story you probably didn’t make it past the first paragraph there but if you somehow did, I totally respect your choice.  However, if you made it all the way to the end here, let me be the first to formally welcome you to TEAM DAVID. Thanks for reading and take care.

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