Business As Usual: How Cloud based ERP software can help the business run smoothly while working remotely

During these uncertain times, it is important to have a way to easily move from office to home-office without a hitch! Visco is a cloud-based software. This means that anyone with internet access can get into Visco’s web application by simply going to a link. If someone leaves the office in the middle of an […]
Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 1

In this series of blog posts we are going to discuss how VISCO has helped three businesses find solutions to three very different problems using the ‘Alerts’ feature. ‘Alerts’ in VISCO come standard with every install. Some of the most universally appreciated “Out Of Box” alerts include: Inventory that is low in stock Containers that […]
Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 2

The second case study in the alerts series is based on a Chemical Importer with global offices through Europe, Asia and Africa. They came to us looking for a way for their separate offices to communicate as they are all doing separate tasks in the system. For example, the sales staff in Europe are creating […]
Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 3

Using alerts to solve unique problems-Part 3 The third case study in the Alerts series is based on a US Chemical Importing business that wanted to be able to track when shipments were put into transit in order to know when items needed to be paid for in order to receive the goods at […]