Why Global Trade Businesses should use ERP Software

ERP Software, or Enterprise Resource Planning Software, is the software application that a company uses to integrate all departments within a company so the entire organization is able to share the same set of information. Traditionally, this type of software is purchased or built by large organizations who are willing and able to spend millions […]
Save Money on Ocean Freight by Maximizing Cargo Space

VISCO has recently set out to provide another solution to a common customer problem. Many of our customers are looking for a way save money on ocean freight costs by maximizing the cargo space in the containers they are shipping. To accomplish this they are able to set Carton and Pallet information at the product […]
How Landed Costs are Calculated in VISCO

VISCO is often used in tandem with an integrated accounting software like Quickbooks or Great Plains. VISCO itself does not track or store payment information, or link to bank accounts. The value of entering costs in VISCO is that the system allows companies to get accurate landed cost data on each lot or shipment that […]
Using the Price Estimator tool to calculate profit on a potential contract

A lot of our customers are looking for a way to predict Latest Projected Cost, before even quoting the customer. This way they can charge the appropriate amount to their customers, and can estimate their profit. We created a tool just for this called the Price Estimate Tool. In the sourcing request in VISCO, you […]
What to Expect During Your Software Training

One of the final steps in any ERP implementation is going to be your training and is usually done the week before the expected go live date. The training can be done online or onsite although at VISCO our customers request us to come onsite for the training approximately 80% of the time. Online Training-When […]
Preparing Your Data for the Initial Data Conversion

Typically we will bring in the lists of Products, Customers, Vendors, Warehouses, Freight Carriers, and Contacts during the initial data conversion. Although complete data history can also be imported, this is not typical due to the added cost required to do this work during the implementation along with the fact this data can still be […]
Get freight quotes and book freight in VISCO
We are excited to finally go live with the our Frightquote.com integration. If you have moved to the new 4.0 version you have probably already noticed the little icon in the Sales Order, Quote, Container and Delivery maintenance screen. Clicking this link allows you an opportunity to view freight carriers that are available to ship […]
Choosing the best import and export software for a food distribution company

General “Everything to Everybody” type accounting software is simply not sophisticated enough to manage the complexities of importing and exporting food products. The downside of using general accounting and inventory software is blatantly obvious to anyone who is trying it, so I’m going to skip the reasons why a company would be looking for other […]
User Conference 2013
“Software in The Cloud, Conference in The City” When: Wednesday, May 8th-Friday, May 10th 2013 Where: Affinia Manhattan Hotel, 371 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 What to expect: Wednesday May 8th (9:00AM-5:00PM) Introduction to VISCO 4.0: Custom Interface Options – Combining tabs, renaming tabs or eliminating tabs Improve Workflow – Where does each field belong? Do I […]