Integration with TrueCommerce EDI

True Commerce is an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange system) used by many companies to send orders to their vendors. Some of the companies that True Commerce works with are Amazon, Walmart and Target which require use of this program to fulfill their orders. These companies use True Commerce to send and validate purchase orders à […]
Inventory Flow Report

The Inventory Flow Report assists our customers with completing warehouse reconciliation. Here is a brief overview of its function: The user sets a date range to run the report. For the example below we used 6/1/2021 – 6/30/2021 in order to reconcile inventory for the month of June. There are filters to view inventory from […]
How Landed Costs are Calculated in VISCO

VISCO is often used in tandem with an integrated accounting software like Quickbooks or Great Plains. VISCO itself does not track or store payment information, or link to bank accounts. The value of entering costs in VISCO is that the system allows companies to get accurate landed cost data on each lot or shipment that […]
Did you know? Vendor or Customer Specific Pricing and Product Names

Did you know that in VISCO you can manage customer or vendor specific pricing and product names? When editing a Product in VISCO, under the tabs ‘Customers’ or ‘Vendors’, you can designate what products are sold to what customers and for how much. This makes it easy for your sales and purchasing teams when entering […]
The Benefits of Using “Ventures”

Customers often come to us trying to manage various aspects of their shipping schedules. There are several complaints we hear often: They have one sales order or purchase order with multiple shipments spanning an entire year. Their customer is sending one purchase order but they want to be able to invoice the shipments as soon […]
Did you know? Contact Groups

Did you know that you can set up different groups for contacts in VISCO? For every contact you enter into the system, you have the ability to assign a contact group. This customizable list allows you to create different labels. So for example, if you wanted the ability to send bill of lading documents to […]
The Power of Using Accruals to Estimate Landed Costs

Accruals in Visco are an estimated cost, usually applied to a Purchase Order, Container or Bill of Lading, that acts as a place holder for costs that will be applied once an invoice is received from a vendor. Something like a Storage Charge can be applied as a line item on a Purchase Order. Or […]
Getting shipment and inventory status into the hands Sales and Customer Service

Some customers come to us wondering how they can better track their shipment status. They would like for their Sales team to be able to see inventory that is in transit and available to sell to customers, and track shipments when customers are asking for updates. Customer Service teams want to be able to send […]
How to Calculate Landed Costs

Some customers come to us asking how we can help them have a better idea of what items are going to end up costing once landed when not only the cost of materials are considered, but also other miscellaneous charges such as freight, drayage, warehousing, etc. will impact the total cost of an item. A landed […]
How to improve efficiency using VISCO vs. QuickBooks and Excel Spreadsheets

A lot of our customers come over to VISCO after using a combination of excel spreadsheets, email and QuickBooks, in order to conduct business. Using multiple interfaces that are not available to everyone in the company at all times, can be restrictive and inefficient. A lot of companies complain about a back and forth between […]