Business As Usual: How Cloud based ERP software can help the business run smoothly while working remotely

During these uncertain times, it is important to have a way to easily move from office to home-office without a hitch! Visco is a cloud-based software. This means that anyone with internet access can get into Visco’s web application by simply going to a link. If someone leaves the office in the middle of an […]
Email Integration

One of the most common questions that new VISCO users will ask is to clarify how the integration with email works. Considering the number of variables and options, it makes sense to document these options and present them in our blog. To start with, it is important to understand the options available in terms of […]
Addressing the “Two Systems” Concern

How a specialized logistics and distribution ERP integrates with existing Accounting software…successfully As co-founder and head of VISCO Operations, I’m often asked to justify a decision we made 19 years ago when we developed our highly focused logistics and distribution ERP without including basic accounting functions that we ourselves had written from scratch. I have […]
How One Drop Ship Company Created Their Own Payment Tracking

Some companies that are looking to use VISCO aren’t looking to integrate with QuickBooks but would still like a way to track incoming and outgoing payments. One Drop Ship customer asked if we could build out our default Invoice area to include payments entered on both accounts receivable and payable. At the time of this […]
QuickBooks Integration: Advanced Points of Integration & Add-Ons

Outstanding Receivables and Credit Limit Checks In VISCO most reports will show you information strictly based on what the user(s) have entered into VISCO up to that point, however, there are a few areas in VISCO that will also provide information based on QuickBooks information as well. Specifically, the Outstanding Receivables by Customer Report and […]
QuickBooks Integration: Default and Customized Points of Integration
By Default, VISCO integrates with QuickBooks at 4 major points: Vendor Data Updates Customer Data Updates Posting of AP Cost Entry Posting of AR Invoices In order for Customer and Vendor data to be able to push updates to QuickBooks the Accounting Key in VISCO must match the name of the customer’s or vendor’s name […]
Automated Shipment Tracking Now Available via Marine Traffic
Automatic ETA and Vessel Status Updates through Marine Traffic VISCO is excited to announce a new available add-on which updates Container/Vessel ETAs and Vessel Status information directly from the Vessels themselves through a nightly integration with Marine Traffic ( Default configuration for this add on allows you to keep track of detailed status information when […]
Automatic Exchange rate updates now available

As an added feature, VISCO users can now have the default exchange rates for each of the currencies in which they do business updated automatically. Using an API, we now pull Exchange rates at 4:00 AM (Eastern) every day from The rates will be updated for all currencies in the “Currency Code” table as of […]
Xero Integration Now Available

We are proud to announce that VISCO now also integrates with Xero accounting software ( The integration itself will function very similar to the QuickBooks integration with the following integration points: 1-Customer Validation-As new customers are added in VISCO, or changes are made to existing customers, those changes get reflected automatically in Xero 2-Vendor […]
Configuring VISCO to fit your company

Although the intensive configuration of the system is typically done during the implementation process, the configuration tools can be used to customize the software (typically without requiring a programmer) at any time. The intensive configuration is typically done once the install is up and the data conversion is complete. These meetings are done with the […]