Customer Relationship Management in VISCO

Many of our customers come from using spreadsheets to manage their customer data, promotions, samples, specification requests, quotes and then the follow up of each. In VISCO we have created a module for CRM, so that everything is in one place, visible to everyone with permissions within the company and trackable. VISCO CRM has 3 […]
How Landed Costs are Calculated in VISCO

VISCO is often used in tandem with an integrated accounting software like Quickbooks or Great Plains. VISCO itself does not track or store payment information, or link to bank accounts. The value of entering costs in VISCO is that the system allows companies to get accurate landed cost data on each lot or shipment that […]
Inventory Management

Some of our customers manage inventory at several different warehouse locations. We often hear concerns about under or over buying goods, losing track of product, and communication to and from warehouse staff. With VISCO’s customizable inventory management tool, you too can get a handle on inventory in one or many warehouses. Inventory is tracked based […]
How to Calculate Landed Cost

Landed Costs are used to define the true actual cost to bring goods into inventory. This is generally considered a more meaningful value when calculating profitability on sales than using just the FOB cost or the cost paid the supplier. Calculating Landed costs is of extreme importance to a company importing and distributing goods because […]
CRM tools for Global Trade

Many times customers come to us looking for a software that will help them manage orders, logistics and finances. But some customers also want a way of managing opportunities they might have to engage new customers or track conversations or deals with vendors. VISCO can help you keep turn more interactions into actual profitable contracts. […]

VISCO’s 5.0 CRM module allows you to track Customer and Vendor Opportunities, Sourcing Request, Customer Quotes as well as manage contacts. The Opportunities module in VISCO that allows you to track potential prospects (leads) for sales or purchases. Within Opportunities VISCO can track Sample request, product pricing request, specification request, and more. Each opportunity […]
How to Calculate Landed Costs

Some customers come to us asking how we can help them have a better idea of what items are going to end up costing once landed when not only the cost of materials are considered, but also other miscellaneous charges such as freight, drayage, warehousing, etc. will impact the total cost of an item. A landed […]
How to improve efficiency using VISCO vs. QuickBooks and Excel Spreadsheets

A lot of our customers come over to VISCO after using a combination of excel spreadsheets, email and QuickBooks, in order to conduct business. Using multiple interfaces that are not available to everyone in the company at all times, can be restrictive and inefficient. A lot of companies complain about a back and forth between […]
The Power of Using Accruals to Estimate Landed Costs

Accruals in Visco are an estimated cost, usually applied to a Purchase Order, Container or Bill of Lading, that acts as a place holder for costs that will be applied once an invoice is received from a vendor. Something like a Storage Charge can be applied as a line item on a Purchase Order. Or […]
Addressing the “Two Systems” Concern

How a specialized logistics and distribution ERP integrates with existing Accounting software…successfully As co-founder and head of VISCO Operations, I’m often asked to justify a decision we made 19 years ago when we developed our highly focused logistics and distribution ERP without including basic accounting functions that we ourselves had written from scratch. I have […]