Uploading Data in Bulk

All new customers now have the option of uploading data in bulk. There are three bulk upload tools available out of box and then we do custom upload tools for customers with specific requirements. Out of Box Upload tools: Products-You can grab lists of products from customers of from suppliers and upload them using an […]
Using the Price Estimator tool to calculate profit on a potential contract

A lot of our customers are looking for a way to predict Latest Projected Cost, before even quoting the customer. This way they can charge the appropriate amount to their customers, and can estimate their profit. We created a tool just for this called the Price Estimate Tool. In the sourcing request in VISCO, you […]
CRM tools for Global Trade

Many times customers come to us looking for a software that will help them manage orders, logistics and finances. But some customers also want a way of managing opportunities they might have to engage new customers or track conversations or deals with vendors. VISCO can help you keep turn more interactions into actual profitable contracts. […]
How to improve efficiency using VISCO vs. QuickBooks and Excel Spreadsheets

A lot of our customers come over to VISCO after using a combination of excel spreadsheets, email and QuickBooks, in order to conduct business. Using multiple interfaces that are not available to everyone in the company at all times, can be restrictive and inefficient. A lot of companies complain about a back and forth between […]
How to Get Everyone Sharing the Same Information

As many companies grow, they use a variety of software like QuickBooks, E-mail, Excel and Word to manage and share information. This is understandable because these tools can help individual employees do their jobs more efficiently, but because each individual is working in their own little world and the information is not getting shared with […]
Simple Order Management for Drop Ship Importers

As a Drop Ship Company or a company shipping full container loads directly to customers, you do not need to spend time and make mistakes by entering both the sales orders and purchase orders separately. That type of order entry is fine if you are shipping out of inventory but is a waste of energy […]
Configuring VISCO to fit your company

Although the intensive configuration of the system is typically done during the implementation process, the configuration tools can be used to customize the software (typically without requiring a programmer) at any time. The intensive configuration is typically done once the install is up and the data conversion is complete. These meetings are done with the […]
What to Expect During Your Software Training

One of the final steps in any ERP implementation is going to be your training and is usually done the week before the expected go live date. The training can be done online or onsite although at VISCO our customers request us to come onsite for the training approximately 80% of the time. Online Training-When […]
Delivery Planning Tools Designed to Help Distributors With Their Own Trucking Fleets

Distributors who are shipping orders out of their own warehouse need tools to help them organize which orders will be going on which trucks and decide what order the driver should make each stop. We have released a new set of tools designed to be used by both the warehouse manager as well as the […]
Getting Started Guide for new employees

When our implementation manager, Chad Mallozzi, join our team we trained him on how to use the system. As he went through our training, he took really good notes which he modified into a guide that can be used for any new employee who will be working with the system. I thought it would be […]