Getting shipment and inventory status into the hands Sales and Customer Service

Some customers come to us wondering how they can better track their shipment status. They would like for their Sales team to be able to see inventory that is in transit and available to sell to customers, and track shipments when customers are asking for updates. Customer Service teams want to be able to send […]

VISCO’s 5.0 CRM module allows you to track Customer and Vendor Opportunities, Sourcing Request, Customer Quotes as well as manage contacts. The Opportunities module in VISCO that allows you to track potential prospects (leads) for sales or purchases. Within Opportunities VISCO can track Sample request, product pricing request, specification request, and more. Each opportunity […]
How to Calculate Landed Costs

Some customers come to us asking how we can help them have a better idea of what items are going to end up costing once landed when not only the cost of materials are considered, but also other miscellaneous charges such as freight, drayage, warehousing, etc. will impact the total cost of an item. A landed […]
How to improve efficiency using VISCO vs. QuickBooks and Excel Spreadsheets

A lot of our customers come over to VISCO after using a combination of excel spreadsheets, email and QuickBooks, in order to conduct business. Using multiple interfaces that are not available to everyone in the company at all times, can be restrictive and inefficient. A lot of companies complain about a back and forth between […]
How to Get Everyone Sharing the Same Information

As many companies grow, they use a variety of software like QuickBooks, E-mail, Excel and Word to manage and share information. This is understandable because these tools can help individual employees do their jobs more efficiently, but because each individual is working in their own little world and the information is not getting shared with […]
Using a Vendor Portal to Track Sourcing and Logistics

For smaller operations it can be quite time consuming and difficult to keep track of new vendor offers, product sourcing, finalized Purchase Orders, and inbound logistics through their current system and juggling countless emails. Recently, one of our customers explained to us that thier main goals were to streamline communications, consolidate information, and get up […]
The Power of Using Accruals to Estimate Landed Costs

Accruals in Visco are an estimated cost, usually applied to a Purchase Order, Container or Bill of Lading, that acts as a place holder for costs that will be applied once an invoice is received from a vendor. Something like a Storage Charge can be applied as a line item on a Purchase Order. Or […]
Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 2

The second case study in the alerts series is based on a Chemical Importer with global offices through Europe, Asia and Africa. They came to us looking for a way for their separate offices to communicate as they are all doing separate tasks in the system. For example, the sales staff in Europe are creating […]
Business As Usual: How Cloud based ERP software can help the business run smoothly while working remotely

During these uncertain times, it is important to have a way to easily move from office to home-office without a hitch! Visco is a cloud-based software. This means that anyone with internet access can get into Visco’s web application by simply going to a link. If someone leaves the office in the middle of an […]
Custom-Fit Software can be Flexible and Affordable –from the Right Software Vendor

With overpriced “you can have it all” Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP’s), a five person small business can expect to pay $10,000 up front and $50,000 over the next two years making the system “work for them.” This relatively new model of software gives the buyer the comfort that they aren’t spending a ton of […]