10 + 2 Landed Cost Software for Importers VISCO
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10 + 2 Landed Cost Software for Importers VISCO

Importers prepare for 10+2

What do we have to do?
US Customs and Border of Protection have proposed the 10+2 ruling that will require all importers or designated agents to file 10 data elements 24 hours prior to vessel lading overseas. The importer is the responsible party and the vessel operator will be required to submit the other 2 data elements 48 hours prior to vessel departure from the foreign port. The reason for the ruling is to prevent any terrorist weapons and materials from entering the US.  For a copy of the final ruling see Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements. Specifically, the importer will now be required to report:

-Manufacturer Name and Address
-Seller Name and Address
-Buyer Name and Address
-Ship to Name and Address
-Container Stuffing Location
-Consolidator Name and Address
-Importer of Record Number
-Consignee Number
-Country of Origin of Goods
-Commodity HTS number

Unfortunately, this ruling does add additional record keeping and effort for importers.  Some Chemical Importers and distributors are already prepared, and some are even using a system that will make the security filing simple and improve the overall efficiency of the operation.  These are VISCO users.

How VISCO can help

Importers are always facing challenges when it comes to communicating and preparing the necessary documentation with their suppliers and freight forwarders. The use of the VISCO web based application will allow easy & efficient communication for all parties. VISCO’s sophisticated logistics tracking can provide all 10 data elements for the filing, and the management and generation of the documentation required for the filing.

This will reduce the possibilities of any penalties given by the CBP and avoid costly delays.

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