Release 3.1.1

Release 3.1.1

Release 3.1.1

Release 3.1.1 – March 2009New Features:Contracts – Ability to more easily create and manage “Contracts” or drop shipments. New module allowing users to manage sales order and purchase orders all from one screen and auto-generating the documents, and auto “pre-allocating” them. A huge time saver for companies shipping directly to customers.

Faster Custom Report Load Time-Custom Reports now load faster due to some optimization work in the custom report tool.

New Certificate of Analysis functionality-The CofA module has had a complete re-write offering the user a much more simple and elegant interface and enhanced functionality.

PO Change/Containers – Remove Back Order assumption-The system does not necessarily default to assume a back order on PO change and QT changes in the container.

Associate Invoice-Now associate memo invoices and credit memo’s with sales invoices

Sales Returns can now re-open Sales Orders-You can now have a sales return re-open Sales Orders. This makes it easier to ship goods back out from the same sales order.

Cancel Pending Invoices-Finally, you can cancel pending invoices and return to shipment back to “Released to Logistics” saving the user from posting and doing a return.

Ability to do Sales Returns for multiple releases-You can now do Sales Returns for multiple releases at the same time.

Create Container Link sends the user directly to Container Information screen-You now have the option of skipping the “Create Container” screen and adding Ventures to the Container directly from the Container Information screen if you want.


New Available Enhancements:

Create Custom Homepage for Customers/Vendors/3rd parties -You no longer have to train your Customers/Vendors and other third parties how to navigate in VISCO to accomplish what they need. You can specify for each user what their home page or “landing screen” will be. So if you want to have a customer just log in to access a specific report you can bring them directly into that report after they enter their user id and password.

Container Builder Tool– The system can help you decide how to best fill the container by calculating the total CBM and Weight of a PO and comparing against the total CBM and weights of different container sizes (20 ft., 40 ft. 40 ft. Hi-Cube)

Importer Security Filing Form-To accommodate the 10+2 security requirements, VISCO now offers an “ISF 10+2 prep sheet” to provide the broker with all the information required for the ISF filing ****note****coming soon, direct ISF filing through TRG Direct to avoid the broker fee for ISF filing.

Warn User if QT does not fall within case/pack– Designate the # of pieces per carton and then warn the user if they are placing an order that does not fill the carton. The system can also suggest a QT that makes the most sense to fill the carton.

Distribute cost by warehouse-Now you can more accurately account for warehousing costs by distributing costs “by warehouse” in the cost entry section.

Enhance Mass Update functions – You can now update large numbers of records by Percent & Update by Flat Rates

Timothy Peck

Vice President

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