Uploading Data in Bulk
All new customers now have the option of uploading data in bulk. There are three bulk upload tools available out of box and then we do custom upload tools for customers with specific requirements. Out of Box Upload tools: Products-You can grab lists of products from customers of from suppliers and upload them using an […]
Inventory Flow Report
The Inventory Flow Report assists our customers with completing warehouse reconciliation. Here is a brief overview of its function: The user sets a date range to run the report. For the example below we used 6/1/2021 – 6/30/2021 in order to reconcile inventory for the month of June. There are filters to view inventory from […]
What does the VISCO Sales mobile app do?
Using the VISCO Mobile application your team is able to enter and view quotes, sales, orders, purchase orders, check inventory, view customer information and much more right from their mobile phone or tablet. Inventory Lookup The inventory module allows for users to view Inventory, default sales prices, and quantities that are available right from […]
Automatic Container Tracking
VISCO now offers automatic container tracking service so customers have visibility on where their containers are from the moment they leave the supplier to the moment they are delivered to the warehouse or to the customer. The live container tracking service includes ocean, and rail, giving users real time updates on the status of the […]
Customer Relationship Management in VISCO
Many of our customers come from using spreadsheets to manage their customer data, promotions, samples, specification requests, quotes and then the follow up of each. In VISCO we have created a module for CRM, so that everything is in one place, visible to everyone with permissions within the company and trackable. VISCO CRM has 3 […]
How Landed Costs are Calculated in VISCO
VISCO is often used in tandem with an integrated accounting software like Quickbooks or Great Plains. VISCO itself does not track or store payment information, or link to bank accounts. The value of entering costs in VISCO is that the system allows companies to get accurate landed cost data on each lot or shipment that […]
Did you know? ‘Autogenerate PO’
Did you know you could Auto-generating Purchases Orders while creating sales orders in VISCO? This means that you can save the entirety of the Purchase Order data entry process by clicking ‘Autogenerate PO?’ in the Sales Order entry screen There are multiple reasons why this is so awesome, not just the fact that it is […]
Did you know? Making Customers, Vendors and Products In-Active
In VISCO users have the ability to make Customers, Vendors and/or Products inactive. There are several reasons why this might be useful to you and your team. Saving historical data. Though a customer may be buying product from you currently, you have the ability to keep their data in the system as inactive. This will […]
Using the Price Estimator tool to calculate profit on a potential contract
A lot of our customers are looking for a way to predict Latest Projected Cost, before even quoting the customer. This way they can charge the appropriate amount to their customers, and can estimate their profit. We created a tool just for this called the Price Estimate Tool. In the sourcing request in VISCO, you […]
CRM tools for Global Trade
Many times customers come to us looking for a software that will help them manage orders, logistics and finances. But some customers also want a way of managing opportunities they might have to engage new customers or track conversations or deals with vendors. VISCO can help you keep turn more interactions into actual profitable contracts. […]