Upgrades to the Mobile App
![3D illustration](https://viscosoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/istockphoto-1190110382-2048x2048-1-1024x702.jpg)
In January of 2017 we are releasing a new version of the mobile platform. The new platform has an improved user interface, added CRM functionality including the ability to create and manage Inquiries and Quotes. In addition, the new app has tighter integration with mobile features already built in from the device including emailing and […]
Using VISCO in China
![China and Usa](https://viscosoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/logistic-2636250_1280-1024x870.jpg)
Many VISCO customers will have offices in China or will work with third party sourcing agents in China. In addition, when traveling through China users will regularly want to check inventory levels, check order history or the status of existing orders. A common complaint that we receive is that when the application is hosted in the […]
Preparing Your Data for the Initial Data Conversion
![Initial Data Conversion](https://viscosoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/transformation-3750134_1280-1024x682.jpg)
Typically we will bring in the lists of Products, Customers, Vendors, Warehouses, Freight Carriers, and Contacts during the initial data conversion. Although complete data history can also be imported, this is not typical due to the added cost required to do this work during the implementation along with the fact this data can still be […]
Configuring VISCO to fit your company
![Integrated with QuickBooks](https://viscosoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Integrated-with-QuickBooks.jpg)
Although the intensive configuration of the system is typically done during the implementation process, the configuration tools can be used to customize the software (typically without requiring a programmer) at any time. The intensive configuration is typically done once the install is up and the data conversion is complete. These meetings are done with the […]
Cloud vs. On Premise
When deciding to use VISCO, companies have the option to use either the cloud based version of the software or the on premise version. The actual functionality of the software is essentially the same in either case although there are some benefits of one vs. the other: Cloud benefits: 1-Limited upfront costs-Since the software […]
Xero Integration Now Available
We are proud to announce that VISCO now also integrates with Xero accounting software (www.xero.com). The integration itself will function very similar to the QuickBooks integration with the following integration points: 1-Customer Validation-As new customers are added in VISCO, or changes are made to existing customers, those changes get reflected automatically in Xero 2-Vendor […]
Automatic Exchange rate updates now available
![euro and dollar](https://viscosoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/euro-948007_1280-1024x724.jpg)
As an added feature, VISCO users can now have the default exchange rates for each of the currencies in which they do business updated automatically. Using an API, we now pull Exchange rates at 4:00 AM (Eastern) every day from http://fixer.io/ The rates will be updated for all currencies in the “Currency Code” table as of […]
Automated Shipment Tracking Now Available via Marine Traffic
Automatic ETA and Vessel Status Updates through Marine Traffic VISCO is excited to announce a new available add-on which updates Container/Vessel ETAs and Vessel Status information directly from the Vessels themselves through a nightly integration with Marine Traffic (MarineTraffic.com) Default configuration for this add on allows you to keep track of detailed status information when […]
Section 301 Tariffs and Surcharges
As section 301 tariffs continue to change, we have improved our system handling of these charges to increase flexibility for future tariffs. As an added feature, VISCO users can now indicate specific section 301 list numbers, assign appropriate HTS item numbers for each list, as well as the assigned ship from countries, and the dates […]
QuickBooks Integration: Default and Customized Points of Integration
By Default, VISCO integrates with QuickBooks at 4 major points: Vendor Data Updates Customer Data Updates Posting of AP Cost Entry Posting of AR Invoices In order for Customer and Vendor data to be able to push updates to QuickBooks the Accounting Key in VISCO must match the name of the customer’s or vendor’s name […]