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- Spring 2008 Release 3.0.9
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Posts by category
- Category: Container Tracking
- Category: Global Trade Management Software
- Category: Help for Importers
- How Automated Container Tracking Save Importers Money
- Behind the Curtain: A Human Powered Support Team
- Save Money on Ocean Freight by Maximizing Cargo Space
- How to Calculate Landed Cost
- Inventory Management
- Why Global Trade Businesses should use ERP Software
- NetSuite vs. VISCO
- The Benefits of Using “Ventures”
- Warehouse Management
- Customer Relationship Management in VISCO
- Automatic Container Tracking
- What does the VISCO Sales mobile app do?
- Inventory Flow Report
- Uploading Data in Bulk
- CRM tools for Global Trade
- Business As Usual: How Cloud based ERP software can help the business run smoothly while working remotely
- Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 2
- Using Alerts to Solve Unique Problems-Part 3
- How One Company Manages Appropriate Stock Levels by Warehouse
- How to Get Everyone Sharing the Same Information
- How to improve efficiency using VISCO vs. QuickBooks and Excel Spreadsheets
- How to Calculate Landed Costs
- Getting shipment and inventory status into the hands Sales and Customer Service
- Using the Price Estimator tool to calculate profit on a potential contract
- Preparing Your Data for the Initial Data Conversion
- Simple Order Management for Drop Ship Importers
- How One Drop Ship Company Created Their Own Payment Tracking
- QuickBooks Integration: Advanced Points of Integration & Add-Ons
- QuickBooks Integration: Default and Customized Points of Integration
- Section 301 Tariffs and Surcharges
- Automated Shipment Tracking Now Available via Marine Traffic
- Xero Integration Now Available
- Cloud vs. On Premise
- Configuring VISCO to fit your company
- Using VISCO in China
- Upgrades to the Mobile App
- Tracking and Costing Inventory at the individual unit level
- What to Expect During Your Software Training
- Delivery Planning Tools Designed to Help Distributors With Their Own Trucking Fleets
- Email Integration
- Simple CRM software for import/export and distribution business
- Get freight quotes and book freight in VISCO
- VISCO now integrated with Railinc Rail Sight railcar tracing service
- Limitations of using Microsoft Excel to manage inventory
- The components of landed cost
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Certificate of Analysis Module
- Why QuickBooks/Excel is not the best choice for importers
- How software can simplify compliance for wine importers and distributors
- Credit Limit Handling in VISCO
- 10 Simple Ways to Get More value out of VISCO
- Getting Started Guide for new employees
- How to Forecast Inventory as an Importer
- Running VISCO Software in Mac OS X
- Strange but effective software tool used by plastics distributor to reclassify material
- Ten most useful VISCO Reports survey results
- Interface Redesign
- 5 Common Mistakes Small Businesses Make during ERP Software Implementation
- Top Four Reasons to Work with a small ERP Provider
- The Real Cost of Implementing ERP Software-The Dirty Secret of Software
- What Happens if your Software Guys gets Hit by a Bus?
- GES uses Microsoft CRM as Sales Tool Integrated with VISCO
- Why Spreadsheets Destroy Importing Companies
- How to Forecast Inventory for an Importer
- Did You Know that You can Attach Email Strings in VISCO?
- Shirley’s Blog – What Does a VISCO Customer Look Like?
- ERP software for Seafood Import Companies
- Why SaaS for Importers?: Integration is no longer a Bad Word in Software
- How VISCO Integrates with QuickBooks
- Custom-Fit Software can be Flexible and Affordable –from the Right Software Vendor
- International Plastics Trading Software
- How to Calculate Landed Costs
- Category: Did you know?
- Category: Help for Importers>Did you know?
- Category: Help for Importers>Help for Food Importers
- Category: Help for Importers|Landed Cost Software
- Category: Help for Importers|Uncategorized
- Category: Industry
- Category: Kitting Software
- Category: Landed Cost Software
- Category: Software for Distributors
- Category: supply chain management
- Category: Uncategorized
- How ERP Software Can Streamline Operations for Drop Shippers
- Home goods trade – how to improve it?
- How to increase the efficiency of plastic trade business?
- Implementing VISCO, for VISCO: An Exercise in Flexibility and Creativity
- 5 Industries that Use Tracking Technology
- How to improve food importation with tracking?
- What is an ERP system and why is it used by companies worldwide
- Exploring the Benefits of Automatic Document Processing in Import/Export Management
- Enhancing User Experience
- Thinking Bigger: Global Trade Data Science
- We Made It! We are officially a NetSuite Competitor
- Data Entry Just Got Faster-A History of the VISCO interface
- Using a Vendor Portal to Track Sourcing and Logistics
- How One Company Built an Inventory Planning tool to Purchase Efficiently from Overseas
- Efficiency Scores for VISCO Users (Draft)
- Automatic Exchange rate updates now available
- Using Inquiries
- Inventory Flow Report
- Integration with TrueCommerce EDI
- Uploading Data in Bulk
- Category: User Conference
- VISCO User Conference 2013-QuickBooks Integration
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Job Builder
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Container Builder
- VISCO User Conference 2013-email alerts and report
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Common problems and solutions
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Short Cuts and Automation
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Working with the help site, venture analysis, packing list
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Customer Access Portal
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Dashboard
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Cloud based integration options
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Administrator Tools
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Mobile Device use and iPhone App
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Sales Tools/Tips part 3 of 3
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Sales Tools/Tips part 2 of 3
- VISCO User Conference 2013-Sales Tools/Sales Tips part 1 of 3
- VISCO User Conference 2013 discussion on version 4.0 customized display 4 of 4
- VISCO User Conference 2013-version 4.0 customized interface options 3 of 4
- VISCO User Conference 2013-New Release Custom Interface Options 2 of 4
- VISCO User Conference 2013-New Release Highlights 1 of 4
- Feedback from User Conference Attendees
- User Conference 2013
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- Default Kit
- How to Enter A New Payment Term
- How do I create the new sales rep in Visco?
- Can the system Alert me when we are low on inventory
- How do I find a history of inventory adjustments?
- Are costs creatd automatically when containers are received?
- Can we modify our own document templates?
- Can we start with the cloud option and move the software to our own server later on?
- Can you create your own reports?
- What do the Container Back Order Options Mean?
- Technical Requirements - Hardware & Software
- Workstation Setup Instructions
- Where can i find more information on VISCO Mobile
- What does this message mean?
- How do I add a new user and stay within the same total number of users?
- I am unable to update information due to a message " (record name) is being updated by (person) and cannot be maintained" or I receive a message "(record name) is locked by (username)"
- Terminology
- How do I change the product on an issued sales order?
- I am changing the ETD and ETA in Sales Order Preparation, I receive a message ‘This purchase order is part of Contract (#). All updates to line and shipment quantity and date information must be made through the Contract screens’ what does this mean?
- Can I setup default payment terms for all customers and change them as needed for specific customers?
- How do I setup Customer Payment Terms?
- I am receiving new sales prices from our salespeople for our customers, how can I enter the customer price for a specific product?
- Can I view cancelled SOs? The problem we are trying to resolve is that a customer might call with their SO # and ask for the status on the SO, the message is displayed ‘SO not found’. At that point, we do not know whether it was entered and cancelled or never entered, and it requires digging through paper files to try and figure it out
- I usually copy a Sales order and then adjust the quantity to one and then change the value to “0”. When I select issue, a message says ‘no shipments exist for this order’
- I cannot view/print a Sales Order document from my pc
- If a SO is pre-allocated and I wish to allocate to different ventures does the process of allocating remove the pre-allocation status completely from the SO?
- How can I add/change the Unit Price on an issued SO?
- Where are the reports in VISCO?
- Gross Margin Report: I plan to use the Gross Margin Report to provide our true cost of goods sold per month. When I post an additional cost-entry to a venture whose product was sold in a prior month, how do I record the additional cost (e.g. freight) as an additional cost on the gross margin report for the month the additional cost was booked.
- When I use the Product Position Report on a new PC, a message is displayed "No File"
- How do I issue a quote?
- In Purchase Order Preparation, I receive a message ‘This purchase order is part of Contract (#). All updates to line and shipment quantity and date information must be made through the Contract screens’ what does this message mean?
- How do I change the PO daily Exchange Rate?
- How do I make changes to vendor information?
- How do I add a new Vendor?
- How can I change the Unit Price on an issued PO?
- How do I change an existing product?
- How do I add a new product?
- Re: Costing Information in the Product level. How can I quote the same product to different customers, with different prices for each customer? If there is an order for two different prices, then the Estimated Profit Analysis will show only the last updated Costing Information from the product
- What file extensions can we use for the Product Image?
- Where I can ADD I either Products/Customers/& vendor in Offers/Inquiries and Quotes?
- When I add an Offer and select Update, this message is displayed ‘"Accounting key exceeds maximum length (40)" what does this mean?
- How can I find out if an inbound shipment (venture) is late?
- I would like to load a new manufacturer but no matter what ID I try to assign, this message is displayed ‘Manufacturer Custom Id (Manufacturer) is not a unique key’ what does this message mean?
- How can I remove an incorrect accrued Exchange Rate cost from a venture? The currency exchange rates are incorrect and generating incorrect costs. This is showing up on my Gross Margin report
- How can I view a Delivery Order document?
- In Container Maintenance, a PO shipment (venture) is not available, even though the PO shipment is issued. How can I find out why the PO shipment is not available?
- I’m having trouble accessing the Delivery Order from Logistics, Outbound, Delivery Maintenance
- I am unable to remove a Back to Back from an order, I receive a message “Cannot remove a Back to Back Assignment because Logistic information has been entered for Shipment (shipment #)”. What does this message mean?
- In the Create Container page, lower part (Ventures), in the “Add to Container” column, there are the words Create and Add to Container. What is the function of ‘Create’?
- What does this message mean “"No venture(s) found for matching to sales order shipment"? I received this message when I was in Logistics, Final Match, selecting an Open Sales Order to match against a PO shipment (venture)
- What does this message mean "Exchange Rate required for USD"? I received the message when I put a container in transit.
- I have one Purchase Order, can the shipments be added to different Containers?
- I received inbound shipments. I want to add them to an Outbound (customer) Delivery but I cannot see them in Create Delivery
- I have some Deliveries without Releases, can they be deleted?
- What is a 'Container Instruction Sheet'?
- What is a 'Container Delivery Order'?
- I am using VISCO network service, when I am working out of the office, the VISCO documents are blank
- I am using VISCO network service, can I connect to VISCO from outside the office?
- I am using VISCO web service, can I connect to VISCO from outside the office?
- I credited an invoice because I thought the customer had refused the product. I now know that the customer took the product and needs to pay. How do I reinstate the invoice so the customer can pay?
- How do I do a Warehouse Transfer? I received some items into the wrong warehouse
- I had made physical inventory adjustments on items because the warehouse receipt did not match the original packing list. Now I cannot allocate these items, what happened to the adjusted inventory?
- How do I add a warehouse?
- How do I make a package type the default? E.g. How do I make 25kg bags the default package type?
- How can I zero the value of old inventory in VISCO without actually writing it out of the system? I need to keep the piece count in the system, but at a zero value. This is needed for year end
- How can I see how much of a specific product I have in inventory?
- It seems that VISCO is posting Credit Memos to our Accounts Receivable Account. It should go to the same account as Invoice. These Credit Memos are being issued as new Invoices under Finance/Invoicing. They are not Sales Returns.
- I am trying to post the costs for a container but the accruals are wrong, they are all rounded for some reason
- On an invoice the billing information needs to be modified slightly, I need to change the billing address
- Is there a way to have multiple invoices on one delivery order? I am going to ship the total quantity at one time then stagger the invoices
- I receive an error when trying to post a batch " ...indicates further ‘Vendor Accounting Key **** is not valid’; " One for each invoice in the batch
- I get an error when I try to add a new customer, vendor or product "System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> etc..."
- How can I make changes to an invoice that has already been posted to QB?
- Entering costs in VISCO before goods are in transit. I need to post a cost against a venture that is not yet in-transit. We received the bill and must pay it. But the goods won't ship for another few weeks. Does a venture have to be in transit in order to post a cost to it?
- I accidentally put 2009 instead of 2010 for this invoice date, can I change it? The invoice has been posted
- In Invoice Maintenance When creating a deposit invoice I get this message "Invoice amount does not equal venture material amount. Invoice total does not equal venture details". What does it mean?
- On an SO, I need to invoice only the first three lines, how do I do this?
- What does the Error when posting “Error Posting Venture Cost Batch :Exception from HRESULT: ... at..” mean?
- What does the message when posting an invoice "vendor not found" mean?
- I’m having problems to showing the ‘Bill To’ address information on the Invoice
- On an Invoice, the unit of measure is incorrect, is there a way to change it?
- When I try to post a batch, I get an error "Error posting venture cost batch: Could not add bill to QB. There is an invalid reference to QB account "
- I need to enter some vouchers for the previous month can I change the system date back to last month and cause no harm? Then can I change it back to this month?
- We entered a voucher with the wrong vendor. It was posted to our accounting system. I need to cancel that voucher and re-enter to the right vendor. What to do?
- How does VISCO handle returns to the vendor for damaged/warranty product?
- What is a Memo Invoice?
- What is a sales invoice?
- Which GL account do memo invoices post?
- How are GL accounts setup in VISCO?
- What is a miscellaneous charge?
- Which accounts do the miscellaneous charges post to?
- When I try to apply a cost to a venture, I cannot see the venture in the scan. Where is it?
- I need to void an Invoice which is posted. It is a memo invoice whose cost was entered against a venture. The invoice is for testing fees, so there really aren't goods to return to the warehouse, how do I void the invoice?
- I need to send three invoices in the same email to a customer how do I do this? I have a network installation (not webservice)
- How can I add a new miscellaneous charge type?
- How can I add a miscellaneous charge e.g. freight to an invoice?
- How can I raise a credit note?
- Whilst in VISCO, I see a white screen that will not go away, how can I fix this?
- When viewing a report in PDF format my screen keeps flashing, how can I fix this?
- When I open VISCO the font is very small, how to I change the font size?
- What does this message mean? (I was saving changes to a Contract) " The process cannot access the file 'C:VISDocumentsAndImagesSales Orders03011SalesOrder.xls' because it is being used by another process "
- If I change something on the SO side of a Contract, will the SO document automatically show the changes?
- How do I see a product description on a contract? I want to see the product description on the PO
- In Purchase Order Preparation, on the Lines Tab, what does this message mean? "This purchase order is part of Contract (#). All updates to line and shipment quantity and date information must be made through the Contract screens"
- On a contract, if I change the sales order side does it automatically change the purchase order side and vice versa?
- How do I edit the line on the sales order in a contract? I want to change something
- What can I do in Accounting Administration?
- How do I access Accounting Administration?
- What is Accounting Administration?